Hartcliffe Safer Streets
Seven Successful Projects!
On Saturday 13th May we held a community meeting in Hartcliffe to hear from the various projects who applied to the Hartcliffe Safer Streets Fund.
We had 11 fantastic applications to the fund from groups of residents and community organisations with a real range of project ideas. We had a total of £21,374 to award and the applications received totalled £35,294. So it was always going to be a difficult decision to make!

We had applications from:
- 1st Hartcliffe Independent Scout Group – this group wanted to hold a taster and information day to launch this new scout group for the area.
- Hartcliffe and Withywood Community Partnership wanted some funds for the continuation of their barbershop project where young men at risk of engaging in ASB get a free haircut and are connected to a youth worker for support.
- Spacemakers. This group based in Wilmott Park wanted to run a graffiti workshop for young people during the summer holidays.
- Hartcliffe BMX applied for funding towards ongoing costs of running the BMX track and associated summer activities.
- Hartcliffe Coderz – this group applied for two projects – one for a website making summer camp and one for a game development summer camp.
- Family and Friends BS13 wanted to run a summer fun day in Millenium Green park.
- Communities Together – this group also applied for two projects – Marvellous Mondays and Together Tuesdays. Both of which would provide a range of activities for families in the area.
- Feel Good Friday. This is a group of mothers who meet together to hold wellbeing activities and offer each other support. They wanted to expand their activity programme and hold educational sessions.
- Hartcliffe Club for Young People applied for money towards the provision of a music workshop at the club.

All of the projects were invited to present to the community their ideas. Those present then had the opportunity to vote for their favourite 5 projects. When the results were in we were able to fully fund 6 projects in full and a seventh received part funding.

So the successful projects and the amounts awarded were:
- Hartcliffe Coderz received £3,500 for each of their two projects – so a total of £7,000
- Communities Together received £3,500 for each of their two project – so a total of £7,000
- Hartcliffe BMX received £3,500
- Hartcliffe Club for Young People received £3,000
- Spacemakers received £874
Congratulations to all those successful projects. To find out more about how the projects have gone over the summer look out here for information about a Celebration event happening in October where we will hear from all the projects.
We are hoping that the projects that did not get funding can find funds elsewhere and are offering support to them to that end, where applicable.

Safer Streets
In 2022 Bristol City Council was awarded funds from the Home Office to make improvements to crime and anti-social behaviour. The funding is called Safer Streets and was to be spent in two areas, Bedminster and Hartcliffe. In Hartcliffe the funds were allocated to a range of things, including CCTV at Silcox Rd high rise flats, outreach youth work, improved street lighting and a community participation project.
Led by Residents
In October 2022, supported by the Community Development team, a group of residents were brought together to co-design a project which would encourage community action and build a more connected community. The group became known as the Hartcliffe Safer Streets team and they hosted a large community event in January 2023 to gather the opinions of the community on issues relating to crime and anti-social behaviour in Hartcliffe. Attendees discussed three questions – click here to read more about what was said.